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High-level Workflow

In this example, one automatic cascade merge is to be performed. E.g., User is merging feature/1.3.x/my_feature into main/1.3.x, which has as target the "final" branch develop.

When the merge event targets a "final" branch, ucascade ignores it. Similarly, when a merge request created automatically by ucascade cannot be merged due to conflicts between the source and target branches, ucascade cannot continue and the execution is aborted. If properly configured, Gitlab notifies the users about the conflicting MR.

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Technical Workflow - ucascade

When using the "blocking" or "replay" endpoints, the returned object contains some indications about the items created by the different actions. If one of those actions is failing, the error message will be displayed in the returned object with the _error suffix.

Merge Request events

Merge event

For a given merge request merge event, 3 different independent actions can be made:

  • previous_auto_mr_merged: if the merged-request event corresponds to the merge of an auto merge-request, and some other auto-merge requests are open between the same two branches, then the oldest auto merge request is merged.

  • created_auto_mr: if the merged-request event corresponds to the merge of any merge request that requires an auto merge-request to be created (to cascade the change to the next branch), it is created and potentially directly merged. With the "blocking" and "replay" endpoints, the returned object contains a created_auto_mr.ucascade_state field indicating if the action was successful or why it was not. It can take the values of:

    • MERGED: MR was created and merged succesfully

    • NOT_MERGED_CONFLICTS: MR was created but not merged due to existing conflicts between source and target branches that must be manually resolved

    • NOT_MERGED_CONCURRENT_MRS: MR was created but not merged due to another existing open merge request between the same source and target branches

    • NOT_MERGED_UNKNOWN_REASON: MR was created but not merged due to an unknown/unexpected reason

  • existing_branch_deleted: if the merged-request event corresponds to the merge of an auto merge-request and the source branch is still present, it gets deleted.

The failure of one of those action will not prevent the next to be executed.

Close event

For a given merge request close event, 2 different independent actions can be made:

  • existing_branch_deleted: if the merge-request event corresponds to the close of an auto merge-request, the source branch gets deleted

  • previous_auto_mr_merged: if some other auto-merge requests are open between the same two branches, then the oldest auto merge request is merged.



When a lot of changes are made concurrently, it can be that multiple auto-merge requests are created between the same main branches (main/1.2.x and main/1.3.x). In such cases, only the first one is set up to be merged directly. This means that when the auto-merge request finally gets merged or closed, any other pending auto-merge requests between the same branches must still be merged. ucascade starts with the oldest one.


This explains how ucascade determines if a new auto-merge request is created or not:

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During the final stage of the success case — merging the MR — ucascade verifies if that MR has any pipeline configured. If it has, the flag merge_when_pipeline_succeeds is set to true, meaning that the merge is only to happen after all its pipelines have finished successfully. Otherwise, if it doesn’t have any pipeline, this flag is set to false, preventing GitLab to return a 405 error (see issue #355455 for more details).


Whenever a user closes an auto merge-request, the source branch is not deleted automatically. Additionally, sometimes when a merge-request is merged, its source branch is not deleted by gitlab. Ucascade makes sure that in both of these situations, the source branch gets deleted.